Game Of Thrones: House Of The Dragon Winner: Episode 8

Sorry this is late everyone! I was at New York Comic Con and so I was a little bit wiped out when it came to watching the episode, forget writing it up. But, we’re here now.

The Winner

While it’s going to lead to a lot of problems down the line, we have double winners!

Set 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones, this epic series tells the story of House Targaryen.

Jaecaerys and Lucerys Velaryon (Strong) really got some big wins this week, event though everything is a mess. Luc is declared the heir of Driftmark, thus solidifying, officially, that he and his brother are indeed Velaryons, not bastards born of adultery. This is of course, a lie, but for the moment this is good for them. They also become betrothed to their cousin/step sisters, which is great news, for them and their mother, Baela and Rhaena Targaryen.

Do I Ship It?

It can’t last but the brief reconnection between Rhaenyra and Alicent really made me feel awesome.

I also like Jace and Baela! They seem to really like each other. These two crazy kids might just make it work!

Dragons Are Great

We see no dragons. Few dragon banners too. During the intervening years, Alicent has found Jesus…er, I mean The Seven, and now The Red Keep is just covered in The Seven Pointed Star, AKA the Westerosi version of a John 3:16 sign on your front lawn.

Queen Alicent Hightower Is Blair Waldorf and I will Not Be Taking Further Questions At This Time

Rhaenyra is her Serena.

But In The Book

From my recollection, the historians basically got this whole situation right, especially Aemond’s outburst at his nephews, and Aegon’s basic disinterest in Helaena and his mistreatment of other women in the Red Keed.

Prophecy Corner

Oh…I am have thoughts and feelings about the prophecy right now, and I will do my best to articulate them. So, while he’s zonked on Milk Of The Poppy, Rhaenyra asks Viserys about The Song of Ice And Fire. This conversation never finishes, but later, while dying, a confused Viserys babbles about Aegon, and dreams and The Prince and the great enemy to Alicent. She thinks he means their son, obviously. But as Viserys talks about Aegon, and promises, someting popped into my head.

Promise me, Ned.

Aegon. The Prophecy. PROMISE. A painful death, a secret and a misunderstanding from it that dooms so many.

Here I was thinking the show was staunchly “Team Dany” when we’re now presented with some of the strongest possible textual foreshadowing for Jon. Who is, you may remember, actually named Aegon. While I think it’s actually quite possible for the prophecy to not matter nearly as much as Viserys and Aemond and Rhaegar and as a result, we think it does, or for it to mean something completely different than we think it does (prophecies are tricky like that, so is George RR Martin.) But oh boy, I’m having fun going nuts about this. (Might have to reread A Game Of Thrones and make some notes…)

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