We missed you Legolas

The hobbit

If you weren’t a preteen/teenage girl at the turn of the century, then I don’t think that you could possibly understand what it means to really and truly love Orlando Bloom.

I remember walking out of The Fellowship of The Ring awestruck and how great that movie was. But for some reason (fangirl, fangirl, fangirl) all I could talk about was Orlando. I mean, I didn’t know his name back then. He was just Legolas, and that was enough. Now, in case you may not remember, Legolas is like barely in The Followship of The Ring. He has maybe two lines, but one of them is “The ring must be destroyed!” So there’s that. But every girl I knew who saw the movies, (and that was a lot of them, because I was a huge nerd) was completely obsessed. The internet was still nascent back then, but he was a good many AIM icons. (Remember AIM?)

Anyway, I went to go see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug yesterday afternoon, and well, um, how do I put this? I really liked it. A lot. But again, my mind is completely filled with Orlando Bloom.

I don’t even like pretty boys like that anymore. (I mean, except for Chase Crawford, obviously.) These days when I watch The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, I’m looking at Viggo Mortenson. But when he jumped down and shot an arrow at those giant spiders all of a sudden I was fourteen again and I didn’t care about anything else.

I was back on the Orlando train. I walked out and wondered aloud to my father if he thought that that was good enough for Disney to give him his job back for Pirates. My dad laughed, but I was entirely serious. I still am bummed out that his version of The Three Musketeers Flopped. He will now probably never get to play Robin Hood.

That’s not entirely true. Ian McEllen is great in his scenes. I really do love Martin Freeman’s Bilbo Baggins, and wowza was Smaug a sight to behold. My dad talked me into going to the IMAX 3-D instead of the standard, I will always be grateful for this. Benedict Cumberbatch did fantastic work hissing and laughing and sputtering  The movie is extremely beautiful. Do you know who else is beautiful? Evangeline Lilly. Her character doesn’t exist in the books, but who cares? It’s Kate! In elf ears! And I could actually smell the fanfiction as she and Killi flirted through his cell. It was great.

I definitely recommend Desolation of Smaug, except that the cliff hanger ending is a little bit ridiculous. There is nothing but questions left and this was one of my big problems with pushing 9 hours out of 200 pages of content. Sure, it was cool to spend a half hour fighting spiders, and to see Gandalf confront Sauron, and see another half hour of Smaug in all his glory, but when you really think about it, nothing happens in this movie. I don’t expect things to happen in all movies, but things do happen in The Hobbit, so I expect things to happen in this movie.

But overall it was good, and I’m glad I dragged my butt there. And I’m glad that Legolas is back.


Holy Moley does does the Interstellar trailer pack a wallop. I mean, I love Christopher Nolan, I love Matthew McConaughey, I love space, I love American optimism!I think I’m going to like this movie.

Godzilla actually looks good. I am surprised. It will probably not be as good as Pacific Rim, and that will make me sad.

Amazing Spider-Man 2. Yawn.

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