I Like Arrow 

The abs of course were never the problem…

So, remember how last week, I talked about how I wasn’t sold on Arrow based on it’s pilot?

I am sold based on it’s second episode. Kudos, Arrow. Unlike Revolution which I am still watching but is bottoming out, you have managed to get more interesting.

I want to see Dinah Laurel Lance become Black Canary though. You can’t just have her in there and not have her end up a superhero.

That’s like introducing us to Jimmy Olsen, then killing him and telling us that he wasn’t Jimmy Olsen.

So don’t do that Arrow. Learn from Smallville’s mistakes. Don’t be an idiot. You took two episodes to not be boring. I’m trusting you.

Also, you have John Barrowman.

Basically don’t blow it, OK? That’s all I’m asking. JUST DON’T BLOW IT!

2 thoughts on “I Like Arrow 

  1. Arrow has been incredible so far, and I was even sold during the pilot! I can’t wait for the next episode of the show and I even have my coworkers at DISH watching it, and they don’t even read the comics. I am recording every episode with my Hopper so that I can re-watch them all after the first season is done. I can’t wait to see what else they have in store, especially in terms of Black Canary since they are bringing so many main villains into the show already. I am so excited for this week’s episode!


  2. I totally agree that the second episode really hooked me in. My poor little shipper heart almost burst when Oliver rescued Laurel. I think it’s the adorable head-clutching that really gets me. But I’m anxious for her to be badass too, please.


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